Thursday, October 11, 2012

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday

Q:  If your house was burning down and you could save just one book from your collection... What would it be? (and, for the purposes of this discussion, we'll allow series as "one" long, multi-vol. book.)

There are so many it is hard to choose just one, It would probably be The Hunger Games and I would grab my kindle.


  1. Agreed! I would definitely grab the Kindle. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Yeah, the Kindle is a good idea :)

  3. That is a really great answer, I can't wait to see the next movie and see how they make that book come to life. Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. I'd grab my kindle to but figured that wasn't allowed per the question.

  5. Yes, the Kindle is an important device to grab. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. Thanks for stopping by! If I had a Kindle, that would be a solution to losing too many of the books. Except, as you said--I have too many with sentimental value. I don't think I'd ever be sentimental about electronic books.

  7. Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog!

    Hey that's two things! ;-)

    Grabbing your Kindle is a smart choice though.
